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Events (1)

  • 23 maggio 2024 | 07:30
    09045 Quartu Sant'Elena CA, Italia
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Services (19)

  • Radionica ∴ Ciclo Armonico + check-up

    Serie di sessioni olistiche orientate all’utilizzo della Radiestesia e della Radionica come tecniche di intervento. La Radiestesia è quella materia che si dedica alla percezione delle energie sottili. La Radionica si specializza invece nella loro manipolazione. L’operatore entra in contatto con le vibrazioni emanate dalle energie sottili ed i fattori con cui queste sono in relazione, su vari livelli. Interagendo con esse, è in grado sia di misurarle, sia di utilizzarle in vari modi. Per effettuare le sue analisi ed i suoi interventi il Radiestesista, così come il Radionico, si appoggiano a diversi strumenti. Pendolo, biotensor o le bacchette, sono alcuni esempi, seppur non esclusivi. Indirizzando le energie sottili verso l’azione mirata, il destinatario trae beneficio a livello energetico e spirituale. Oltre tutto quello a cui questi aspetti sono legati. Durante ogni sessione, effettuerò un trattamento Radionico utilizzando la tecnica del metodo da me praticato. Verranno lavati energeticamente i tuoi centri spirituali. Riporterò l’insieme dei tuoi corpi energetici alla condizione naturale. Lavorerò sulla loro emanazione (o aura), migliorandone lo stato. In base alla tua condizione, terrò traccia del tuo livello energetico. Ciò mi aiuterà ad avere una visione aggiornata del tuo stato all’inizio ed alla fine della sessione. Questo approccio è indicato per tutte quelle problematiche che hanno un’origine energetica e che si riflettono nella quotidianità, nel breve periodo. Agisce ristabilendo i corpi sottili (o di energia) da elementi esterni. Normalmente un ciclo viene suggerito in fase di consulenza (vedi) secondo la natura del caso. Può essere eseguito su animali, vegetali, minerali ed intenti. Cosa include - Cinque (5) trattamenti armonizzanti con tracciatura energetica - Durata: 45’ circa a sessione Discrezione garantita prima, durante e dopo la sessione. Indicazioni e recapiti condivisi alla conferma della prenotazione. Per tutte le altre informazioni consulta la sezione Domande Frequenti.

  • Rituale ∴ Consulto e Intervento

    Consulenza esoterica orientata all’utilizzo della ritualistica come tecnica di intervento. L’Esoterismo consiste nell’insieme di dottrine e conoscenze universali nascoste, che dettano il sapere posseduto da chi vi si è addentrato. Leggi e procedure che regolano la realtà e quello che sta oltre il visibile. L’operatore entra in contatto con le energie sottili ed i fattori con cui queste sono in relazione, su vari livelli. Interagendo con esse, è in grado di utilizzarle in vari modi. Indirizzandole verso l’azione mirata, il destinatario trae beneficio a livello energetico e spirituale. Il rituale esoterico è un intervento di partecipazione reciproca. L’operatore prepara le energie necessarie. L’assistito entra in gioco mettendo in moto il suo intento ed agendo di conseguenza alla sua richiesta. Farò la tua conoscenza, ascoltandoti ed avendo cura nel capire come affiancarti al meglio. Raccoglierò una serie di informazioni che mi aiuteranno ad affrontare la tua situazione. Ti proporrò una soluzione pensata e definita apposta per il tuo caso. Ti accompagnerò nella comprensione di questa disciplina e cosa ha da offrirti, chiarendo ogni eventuale dubbio. Valuterò le tempistiche e le risorse necessarie alla realizzazione dell’opera e ti informerò sulla sua pianificazione. Effettuerò quindi un rituale su misura, in seguito a quello che abbiamo discusso durante il colloquio. Collezionerò e condividerò con te delle prove fotografiche tangibili, a garanzia del lavoro svolto. Provvederò a metterti al corrente dei risultati dell’intervento. Sarò a tua disposizione in seguito su ogni questione relativa ad esso. Metterò in atto tutto ciò che è in mio potere per fornirti il miglior risultato possibile. Ricorda: il tuo volere si manifesta quando ti impegni per realizzarlo. Io reggo il bersaglio, tu scagli la freccia. Questo approccio è indicato per tutte le questioni che possono essere affrontate intervenendo nell’ambito metafisico, tra cui energizzazione di elementi, protezioni e difese da forze contrarie, vitalizzazione energetica, propiziazione di intenti. Cosa include - Consulenza introduttiva di 20’ circa - Preventivo rituale specifico Su accettazione: - Rituale specifico - Prove fotografiche - Consulenza conclusiva via e-mail entro 48h Discrezione garantita prima, durante e dopo la sessione. Indicazioni e recapiti condivisi alla conferma della prenotazione. Per tutte le altre informazioni consulta la sezione Domande Frequenti.

  • Campane Tibetane ∴ Pulizia Chakra

    Sessione olistica orientata all’utilizzo delle Campane Tibetane come tecnica di intervento. Le Ciotole (o campane) Tibetane sono un antico utensile artigianale, utilizzato dalle comunità d’origine per uso quotidiano, spesso alimentare. Nel corso della storia, data la loro composizione (formata da 7 metalli differenti), sono state associate alla spiritualità e ad un differente uso. Vengono impiegate principalmente come strumento musicale di accompagnamento alla meditazione mirata all’illuminazione spirituale. Questa relazione spirituale è stata di conseguenza estesa anche ad altre pratiche ed impieghi. Suonando la campana, ovvero facendo vibrare i metalli che contiene, vengono generate delle delle onde sonore. La loro frequenza, viene messa in risonanza con i centri energetici principali (o Chakra) del ricevente. Il suono è ottenuto tramite strofinamento o rintocco del battente sulla superficie della ciotola. A seconda della tecnica utilizzata e della sua destinazione, questa zona può risultare diversa. I suoni prodotti agiscono direttamente sulle aree energetiche a cui risultano più in sintonia. L’operatore utilizza solitamente più campane per ottenere diverse melodie e coinvolgere vari Chakra; alcuni dei quali in stretto rapporto l’uno con l’altro. Possono essere affiancati oggetti rituali di varia natura, per accompagnare il trattamento e completarne l’effetto. La pratica della Campana Tibetana, contribuisce al raggiungimento della pace interiore, la quale porta beneficio a livello energetico e spirituale. Oltre tutto quello a cui questi aspetti sono legati. Effettuerò un trattamento con le Campane Tibetane, utilizzando la tecnica della tradizione da me praticata. Verranno così lavati energeticamente i tuoi centri spirituali, migliorandone lo stato. Applicazioni Questo approccio è indicato per tutte quelle problematiche che hanno un’origine energetica e che si riflettono nella quotidianità, nel breve periodo. E’ inoltre utile contro quei fattori che influenzano i centri energetici stimolando il loro lato ombra. Normalmente viene svolto in cicli per consentire un risultato maggiore. Cosa include - Trattamento di pulizia energetica - Durata: 30’ circa Discrezione garantita prima, durante e dopo la sessione. Indicazioni e recapiti condivisi alla conferma della prenotazione. Per tutte le altre informazioni consulta la sezione Domande Frequenti.

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Blog Posts (5)

  • Holistic and Job ∴ Useful tips for your meetings

    Knowing how to communicate is important in life; even more if our responsibilities depend on it. In my previous article, I addressed by holistic the importance of job communication. Give advices on how to handle it, to the pros and cons. But how to apply these solutions in practice? One of the typical scenarios in which professional communication is essential is that of job meetings 👥. Remember the saying “Prevention is better than cure”? If nowhere else, you will surely have read from me about it. Job meetings are one of the situations in which our personal skills - even before our professional ones - are put to the test. For this reason, it is useful to face these job opportunities prepared. Not only out of respect for our duties, but even more for ourselves. Live the experience as an opportunity to encourage your personal growth through others. So how can be ready for a meeting? Thinking ahead ⚡. The right spirit is to be pro-active. Take the initiative as soon as you receive notice of an upcoming job meeting. Whether you are the organizer or not, the game rules do not change. Take advantage of the time necessary to gather the information you think may be fundamental during the event. In addition to being a source of knowledge to ensure your preparation, it is equally useful for possible sharing with your colleagues. This approach will test your competence on all aspects: 🧑‍💻 Personal: your commitment to a common goal 🗣️ Social: your ability to relate to other people 🧑‍🏫 Professional: the demonstration of your skills and their importance in your job environment By showing yourself one step ahead, you will convey confidence to the group and gain trust for subsequent job initiatives. Being informed will put you at an advantage, especially with yourself. Each of the results and goals you achieve will contribute to strengthening not only your characteristics, but also your own self-esteem. A success for both you and those you deal with. Having examined the attitude with which to participate in a meeting, it is time to pay attention to your action plan. 💪 The 10 rules for a correct job meeting 🧘 Centering An excellent start already takes you halfway there. Having a correct mental state will help you manage possible obstacles that may arise, such as anxiety or stress. Find your balance a few minutes before the meeting starts: this is the best time to practice meditative breathing. 🕘 Punctuality The golden rule is to show up a little early. Whether in a meeting room or in a virtual one, being late at job is a bad business card. You can also see it as an advantage: using this preliminary space to socialize. This can help as ice-breaker and keep you relaxed for the start of the event. ✋ Presence Try to be present. Participate actively by asking questions about the job, or by expressing your points of view, as well as proposing alternatives. By showing interest, you will capture the attention of your collaborators and strengthen that feeling of trust that you will have already built by preparing previously. This warranty will be even more solid if when you speak, you will be always transparent. Don't leave anything out, express yourself clearly and be understandable to those who listen to you. Hiding something at job, even if for good reasons, could turn into a double-edged sword. Don't let yourself be defeated by shyness or fear of possible consequences. Knowing how to take on one's responsibilities is also a highly appreciated sign of personal and professional maturity. ✍️ Annotation Be sure to track the job content of the discussion. It is a good habit to always have a notebook or digital medium with you to write down everything that is useful. Choose the one that is most comfortable for you. Keeping a note of the arguments and decisions agreed upon has various benefits. It allows you not to forget anything fundamental and, at the same time, it is a valid witness for your job and that of your teammates. 💬 Communication Silence is a distinctive trait of a wise and introspective personality. However, in a collective context, it can be misinterpreted as a lack of interest. If you think you haven't found enough information to be prepared for the job meeting or that you will lack inspiration during the conversation, organize a B-Plan. Write down a few sentences or questions that you could show off, which have some points in common with the main topic. It doesn't need to be strictly tied to it. You can also count on secondary aspects. Such as how to introduce other subjects or tools directly or indirectly useful for the purpose of the meeting. 👂 Attention Listen, don't just hear. Live the Here and Now. Being in sync with what is happening around you is also essential in your daily life. In a job meeting, it translates into time saved in avoiding refining and translating the information collected for subsequent planning. In the worst case scenario, however, in the search for the missing ones. 📋 Consistency Maintain the subject of the job conversation according to the common objectives. Avoid wasting time and energy on topics that are not in line with the agenda. This will only create further confusion about what the meeting is intended to clarify. ⚖️ Balancy Making yourself available to others and taking on extra job tasks during the meeting, is the best way to strengthen the relationship of trust with the participants. When proposing, always take your current operational status into consideration. Be careful not to overdo it: too many additions could slow down your main work, depriving you of the time and resources needed for your job. 🔎 In-depth analysis After the meeting, review your notes and the data obtained. Ask your managers and collaborators for any clarifications or missing elements to be aligned with the job group. The review is critical as the previous steps. A well-structured check will avoid possible unexpected events once the process has started. 🗓️ Planning Armed with all the essential elements, focus on aligning your job agenda with the expected results of the meeting. Taking advantage of these rules and putting them into practice, is the winning card for maintaining a peaceful and productive collaborative relationship in your job. Becoming familiar with this perspective takes practice, but the change is clearly visible from the first try. If you have never tried these suggestions or have only had the opportunity to do so in part, don't wait any longer and try them in your work immediately! Cheers to the next tip. 👋

  • Job communication ∴ Face challenges with wellness advices

    Even if you're on an individual job or part of a collective one, the way you interact with others is one of the key aspects of it. The communication is the trait that allows you to express yourself with others, relate to them and – on top of all – achieve your goals. Let's see how to manage it inside a team. Prevention is better than cure Did you ever heard about this? This is my favorite personal rule and one of the best advices I'm able to give you, because it can be extended on each aspect of our lives. I'm used to apply it in my job in a very simple way: When an issue shows off, raise your hand! 🙋 Yes, simple but effective. Especially in being part of a group of people, all coordinated to reach a common target. This represents one of your best weapons. Don't feel ashamed or worried in externalize your individual point of view. During different job processes related to different people, sometimes happens that something in it could encounter an obstacle. And that's the time the fracture in your framework could emerge in an easy or hard way during the work. The best solution to fix it most of the times is to discuss about the issue with the rest of the team. Better all together – including your job supervisor – or to those related to your direct area of responsibility. They will help you as team member and your collaboration will bring you the solution naturally. Most important, you're acting in a caring way to your coworkers, your team leader and your objectives as well. And this is how a real job team works. Don't hesitate: waiting is a killing enemy during this phase. Acting quickly will bring you the solving soon. At the same time, it proves your attitude to being reactive and ready to taking in consideration both your responsibilities and your team as well. Warn them, talk with your boss or job partner and place a dedicate meeting or discuss about it immediately. The choice is yours. Just be aligned with others availability and intentions. Taking the initiative and act by yourself isn't the way, and someone could intend it as a red flag. Being propositive in your job is ok and essential as professionals, but remember that being part of a team means cohesion. Join forces with your teammates is your priority to solve the problem in the most convenient way for everyone. I want to share with you a job example about how the communication could have been crucial if it would be used properly: > During the development of a project, a colleague finds an inconsistency in the assigned blueprint. Basically, the approach chosen by the author wasn't compatible in a final environment. The colleague decides to apply its own workaround. Later, during the general revision, the leader finds the incongruence between the blueprint and the prototype, asking for a clarification. The colleague explains proudly about his actions, with great disappointment instead from his supervisor. His own initiative – took without a prior approval - forces the entire team to take their steps back and refactor the task in order to implement a different solution chosen by the leader. 🙇‍♂️ As you can see from this (not so) “funny” 😅 story, it's the result of a bad communication on both sides. The job role doesn't matter, because the final result depends by everyone. This is a pill from my own career during my first experience in a team. Honestly, I'm not worried to talk about it, since that thanks to it and many other mistakes along the way, I definitely learned the true meaning of communication. As well as for my coworkers. I talked about communication during bad job situations. But how to adopt it in a practice way, even not only in these scenarios? Simple is better If you want to start from the very beginning, try to make habit of some best practices that can really improve your job communication: 📝 Notes: when something comes to your mind, if you know that you'll inevitably have to report something to your coworkers, manager or so on, write it. During your job, keep always a notebook with you – physical or digital doesn't matter – in order to take notes of important things. This counts for simple ideas than meetings. Even discussions and all the situations in which you'll have to manage information of any nature, across your team and in your job generally; ♯ Comments: It's a common practice and at the same time one of the most underrated. Leave useful comments in your documentation helps you in the first place to have a better understanding of your own job. It helps you in your mind processes and even in your self-improvement. Last but not least, it's treasure for your collaborators in order to be always on the same page and joining you in your own tasks; ❓ Ask: Asking is so simple and represents an extreme resource for you and your job. It's never a waste of time to ask for clarification and about anything needed to do your work properly. You didn't understand a particular task? Ask about it. Your teammate forgot to send you specifications about his last implementation before sending it to you? Ask for them. Many people are frightened about this last one for many reasons. They feel themselves stupid just for doing it, unconfident on how to approach others in their job and so on. But you're not stupid or clumsy. Simply you need to learn how to do it in an effective way. As introduced in my introduction post (read), the secret is to find the balance between our job and our wellness. If you feel so, try to take your time first: before asking, meditate. Extra: Meditation There are many way to meditate, the simplest one is based on breathing: Inhale for 4 seconds; Hold your breathe for 4 seconds; Exhale for 4 seconds; After that, make your question. You'll immediately see the benefits of meditation and how simple is making our job easier with these little strategies. 😉 Job: Utilities In addition, here's a few well common digital tools that could literally make the difference: 💬 Slack (see): this application is designed to manage the internal communication of your team. It can be customized in different ways and supports many features. Available on desktop and mobile too; ✔️ Trello (see): the agile approach is well supported with this software, which brings the Kanban methodology (read) to your workflow. You can customize and control different related features both on single tasks than the team. From your browser, your desktop or mobile device; 🕰️ TrackingTime (see): it allows you to track every team member by his active working time. A dedicated calendar paired with a pool of various features helps you to manage the time of your team precisely. It's available for web & mobile too. Of course there are different alternatives to these tools. Feel free to test them and use the most comfortable to you. Remember, you're part of a team. You'll face many times situations like these in your job, but communicating never be a mistake. You have to trust your colleagues and their skills, as well as they have trust in you. The failure could be around the corner, but you must never be afraid about it. Failure means growth and your own personal growth will be value for the entire team as well. Cheers to the next tip. 👋

  • Job relocation ∴ Advices for your personal growth PT. 2

    Do you want to relocate to join a new exciting job opportunity, but you don't know where to start? You're in the right place! Read my advices on how to face it and set the proper organization. Otherwise, welcome back! ✋ As we seen, your motivation is the main engine that will guide you to your next job experience. It'll helps you to take action in your travel plan and the rest of your future commitments. So let's start from where we stopped: the house appointments. In order to make your efforts fruitful, there are some tips that you should follow for your success. Here's how to prepare for your travel in a helpful way: Light is better. You'll don't need excessively luggages. Pack your bags with the bare minimum. Your days will be dedicated mostly to the house inspections than anything other. You'll have time for that once there; Take preventively notes about what kind of movements you'll going to have around the place. Plan your routes by checking for local transports, from one spot to another. This will helps you to not waste time and shift from one date to another; Keep the agents contacts at hand and bring with you previously notes about every question you want to ask about a particular property; Due to your possibly lack of knowledge about the place, try to arrive always a bit in advance than your agreed time. On spot, briefly check all the building at first-sight: electrical/water/heating system - just switch on/off the lights, open/close taps/doors and so on. Everything must be functional and in good-standing - except if the property agree for a fix before the takeover. Try to not leave apart nothing. Take a look to the walls and their conditions (i.e. molds, stains, etc.). Be sure that the house is well enlightened from different directions. This is your chance to really rate the house and see if reflects the online announce. Once you found the right place and all terms are been set, you'll going to agree with the property the drafting of the contract. Then, take your time in its consultation before signing it. This last phase took me an entire week, by dating all the appointments every day at different hours. Trying to fill all the days on every possible free timeframe. Including traveling to Milan to make my inspections and back. Remember that a true and reliable time estimate to manage all the plan can't be done. Based on my experience, 6 months should be enough to manage the entire relocation. Your destination counts a variety of unknown circumstances that cannot be estimated. The size of the city itself, transportation time, services location and so on. These are all aspects that you'll have to adjust along the path. But at the end, you'll be repaid for sure! So, you've chose your new nest and successfully relocated on it? Congratulations for your new accommodation! 🥳 Now it's time for your main step. Job As well as for the relocation, the job itself could represent a true challenge in terms of cultural differences. These can embrace both the personal area – local customs and traditions - than the professional one – working attitude and so on. More often they could be remarkable when the chosen location is quite different from your birthplace. Once you've joined your new job position, remember to keep in consideration all these aspects. Be pleasant and open to all the divergences that you could face in the future. But be yourself at the same. Initially, you'll be the guest there and that's your chance to show your true potential to the others. Mostly on a new place in which you have never lived on. Your trump card will be your value. What you'll bring to your new job – your knowledge, your previous experience and your personal skills. Try to get all that your new team has to offer and repay them and yourself by growing with your commitment and your traits. Don't be afraid and enjoy your new workplace. Different places, same rules. Pro/Cons Do you still feel unsure about the implications that a choice like this could bring to your life and your job? As well as for the majority of it, a relocation is able to pop on your path a series of setbacks that probably you cannot foresee. A good way to solve all your remaining doubts is a true dialog with your inner-self. Take pen and paper. Write down a list of pro & cons that you sincerely consider as milestones for your plan, by answering a few relevant questions such as: I'm satisfied of my life and my job right now? What I really need to be happy? This experience will bring me a true opportunity to find my way? Or improve it in a better one? Getting away from my current environment, will help me to have a real breakthrough? The job that I'm looking for at the new place, will be able to help my professional growth in a productive direction? At last, you'll find your answers. Being honest with yourself is the correct practice you've to cultivate to find help in your own resources. If you notice that the most of the answers hang on the positive side, don't hesitate and grab the opportunity. On the other hand, you'll don't have nothing to lose. Don't you? 🙂 A job relocation can represents a real way to change our life, helping us to find our balance between our work and wellness. Hope that my suggestions could help your next job relocation. Cheers to the next tip. 👋

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Other Pages (11)

  • Holistic Esoteric Practitioner ∴ Glossary ∴ Zeno Satyarthi

    HOME > Glossary > Where does the session I booked take place? At the studio where I perform my services. You will be welcomed in a facility equipped for carrying out treatments. It is an intimate and safe environment where you will not have to worry about your privacy. Is it possible to come accompanied to the appointment? The consultancy, as well as the treatment or ritual, touch on themes and moments of profound intimacy. As an operator, I always recommend introducing yourself individually during a session, to the extent possible. In this way, you can get the most out of the experience. If necessary, reception is available for a maximum of two people per session, upon notification. How is the security of my privacy respected? I make sure to take advantage of every possible precaution both in carrying out the session (see) and in the communication methods (see). My commitment is also aimed at safeguarding all data and information concerning you, stipulating a non-disclosure agreement (see) with you digitally during the booking phase. Otherwise (if necessary), the paper format is used in person during the interview. In the Privacy section (see) there is the full text about data collection and their processing. The same methods apply as regards the Disclaimer (see), which can be consulted in the appropriate section. Do I need to share sensitive or personal data? Sensitive data (personal details and personal details) are necessary in order to be able to provide my advice as established by law. These are collected digitally during the booking phase to allow invoicing. Otherwise (if necessary), the paper format is used in person during the interview. Information of a non-sensitive nature is useful for conducting the session correctly and effectively. It is up to you whether and what to share. Remember that this will affect the rest of the session. Please consult the Disclaimer section to find out how they are used. Is it possible to change my booking? You can decide to change the day and time slot at any time within twenty-four (24) hours prior to the agreed date. The action is subject to the limitations of the activity calendar and the availability of the operator. Once the deadline has passed, the service is considered used and no longer refundable. What will be discussed during the meeting? We will talk about you and your motivations. I will make you aware of the nature of the treatments that will be practiced and how they will act on your energetic structure. I will show the type of route most suitable for you, as identified. I will answer your questions on the topic covered. I changed my mind. Can I get a refund? You can decide to withdraw from the consultation at any time within twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date of the consultation. Once the deadline has expired or if it takes place, the service is considered used and no longer refundable. What does an extended Reiki treatment with massage and stones consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. It differs from the basic treatment due to the time dedicated. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does an extended treatment with Crystal Therapy usually consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. It differs from the basic treatment due to the time dedicated. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does a Reiki and massage treatment usually consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. What does an extended Reiki treatment with massage consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. It differs from the basic treatment due to the time dedicated. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. Is the Reiki treatment I will receive invasive? In no way. The Reiki I practice involves exclusively external intervention through touch. If requested or necessary, it is possible to carry out the session even without any contact. This also happens spontaneously during the application of some techniques. Crystal therapy involves contact with different stones and crystals. In the presence of intolerances and/or allergies to a certain material, it is advisable to inform the operator. What does a Reiki purifying treatment with massage and stones consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Based on your condition, the procedure is carried out in a personalized way, to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does a Reiki treatment usually consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. What does a Reiki and stone opening treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does a Reiki and stones purifying treatment consist of? n an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Based on your condition, the procedure is carried out in a personalized way, to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does a local Reiki treatment with Crystals consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. Is preparation necessary to face the session? No steps are needed to receive Reiki. You can show up to the session without preventive actions and benefit from the treatment with peace of mind. What does a local Reiki treatment with massage and stones consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. In cosa consiste un trattamento apertura Reiki e massaggio? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. In cosa consiste un trattamento Reiki con massaggio e pietre? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does a Reiki treatment with Crystal Therapy usually consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What specifically is Reiki energy? It is understood as Universal Energy. It is discovered by Mikao Usui and perceived by him and subsequently channeled for various applications. Initially, it was practiced by himself and his collaborators without rules or precepts. It was later codified in a series of instructions and techniques to facilitate its diffusion. In che consiste un trattamento purificante Reiki e massaggio? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Based on your condition, the procedure is carried out in a personalized way, to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. What does a localized Reiki treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. In che consiste una sessione di apertura Reiki massaggio e pietre? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does a Reiki opening treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. In cosa consiste un trattamento locale Reiki con massaggio? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. What does a Reiki purifying treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Based on your condition, the procedure is carried out in a personalized way, to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. Are Reiki or crystals a cure for what I want to resolve? Whatever the nature of your request, as an energy Reiki works at that level. The treatment therefore affects the individual exclusively on the level of energy and spirit. The advantages obtained fall on the recipient's energy system and everything to which it is interconnected. The use of stones during the treatment follows the same destination. All therapeutic practices, definitions and references included and understood by official science are excluded. Please consult the Code of Ethics for further details. You can find specific details in the Disclaimer (see) and in the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) which are accepted during the booking phase. What does an extended Reiki treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. It differs from the basic treatment due to the time dedicated. Is the Singing Bowl a cure for what I want to solve? Whatever the nature of your request, the energies treated by the sound of the bowls, as such, act at that level. The treatment therefore affects the individual exclusively on the level of energy and spirit. The advantages obtained fall on the recipient's energy system and everything to which it is interconnected. All therapeutic practices, definitions and references included and understood by official science are excluded. Please consult the Code of Ethics for further details. You can find specific details in the Disclaimer (see) and in the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) which are accepted during the booking phase. What does an essential treatment with Singing Bowls consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow the energy centers to resonate in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which they are often subject are removed, returning them to their natural state. The use of aromas present in nature helps spontaneous alignment with this condition. What does a shamanic treatment with Singing Bowl consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to do resonate the energy centers in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which they are often subject are removed. Depending on the condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. Is the Singing Bowls treatment I will receive invasive? In no way. The tradition of Tibetan Bells that I practice involves exclusively external intervention through touch. Beyond the hands, contact occurs through the tools used. Some materials are potentially allergenic. In the presence of intolerances and/or allergies to one or more of them, it is advisable to inform the operator. If requested or necessary, it is possible to carry out the session even without any contact. This also happens spontaneously during the application of some techniques. What does a treatment with Singing Bowls consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to do resonate the energy centers in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the classic procedure may vary to better suit the needs of the recipient. Whether it is carried out during the consultancy phase or in an ordinary session. Is preparation necessary to face the session? No precautions are needed to receive the sounds of Singing Bowls. You can show up to the session without preventive actions and benefit from the treatment with peace of mind. What does a complete treatment with Singing Bowls consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to do resonate the energy centers in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which they are often subject are removed, returning them to their natural state. What does a Chakra cleansing treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to do resonate the energy centers in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which they are often subject are removed. What does an aura rebalancing treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to do resonate the energy centers in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The set of energies that emanate from the recipient's body - or aura - are brought back to their natural state. What does an elemental treatment with Singing Bowls consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to do resonate the energy centers in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which they are often subject are removed, returning them to their natural state. The use of the energy charges of the elements helps spontaneous alignment with this condition. What specifically is the Tibetan Bell? It is a bowl made up of 7 different metals: lead, tin, copper, iron, mercury, silver and gold. Initially made exclusively by hand, today industrial production is added. The Himalayan populations used it to contain food. Local shamans gave rise to the first spiritual approaches to them. Subsequently, their export to neighboring countries began, with similar uses. A series of instructions and techniques for their diffusion were subsequently passed down orally. What does a Chakra purification treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to do resonate the energy centers in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which they are often subject are removed. Furthermore, the set of energies that emanated from the recipient's body - or aura - are brought back to their natural state. It differs from cleaning by the time dedicated. What specifically is the pyramid in Radionics? In addition to its corresponding and well-known historical nature, in this context it is to all intents and purposes a three-dimensional circuit. It therefore allows you to channel high frequency subtle energies, distributing them within its area. The use of the pyramid is closely linked to a series of parameters to which Radionics refers for correct use. Is preparation necessary to face the session? No precautions are needed to receive the Radionic treatment. You can show up to the session without preventive actions and benefit from the treatment with peace of mind. Are these alternatives a cure for what I want to solve? Whatever the nature of your request, in terms of analysis and use of energy, Dowsing and Radionics act at this level. The treatment therefore affects the individual exclusively on the level of energy and spirit. The advantages obtained fall on the recipient's energy system and everything to which it is interconnected. All therapeutic practices, definitions and references included and understood by official science are excluded. Please consult the Code of Ethics for further details. You can find specific details in the Disclaimer (see) and in the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) which are accepted during the booking phase. What specifically is Dowsing? It is defined as "sensitivity or perception of radiation", in this case of subtle energies. Evolved as such thanks to the contribution of researchers such as Josef Oberbach, Andrè Bovis, Andrè Simoneton and others. The term was introduced as a diversification from the identification of water sources, known as Dowsing, probably practiced in ancient times by the first African populations. What specifically is Radionics? It is the branch that deals with maneuvering subtle energies. Different traditions trace its birth to more or less similar times and different contexts (Russian school, the Servanx brothers, Albert Abrams and others). The concept is based on shape waves. By acting on the vibrations emitted by the forms - represented on the physical plane and otherwise - at certain frequencies, the corresponding energies can be used for different purposes. What does a regenerating pyramid treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to control subtle energies. These energies, of which the operator is the mediator, are directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which one is often subjected are removed. The set of energies that emanated from the recipient's body - or aura - are also brought back to their natural state. The support of the pyramid amplifies this beneficial action. What does a harmonizing treatment usually consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to control subtle energies. Usually also combined with Radiesthesia practice as a means of observation. These energies, of which the operator is the mediator, are directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which one is often subjected are removed. Furthermore, the set of energies that emanated from the recipient's body - or aura - are brought back to their natural state. Is the Radionic treatment I will receive invasive? In no way. The Radiesthesic and Radionic method that I practice does not involve interaction. Some practices include exclusively external intervention through contact via the tools used. If requested or if necessary, it is possible to carry out the session even without this happening. This also happens spontaneously during the application of some techniques. Crystal therapy involves contact with different stones and crystals. In the presence of intolerances and/or allergies to a certain material, it is advisable to inform the operator. How long does it take to perform a ritual? There is no defined deadline for completing an operation. Each intervention is built on the basis of specific conditions. The object of the request, the nature and type of forces to be exerted, various external factors that influence the result itself. The consultancy is structured so as to agree on the common parameters of the work together. This helps to obtain an indicative schedule of what will be carried out. It will be shared upon completion of the preliminary stages, before the ritual. How is the performance of the ritual guaranteed? You will be constantly updated throughout the organizational process, from preparation to completion. Subsequently, you will receive privately electronically the visual (photographic) evidence of the setups used for the performance. Through them you will be able to ascertain their nature and state. Each shot will show the date and time of capture as evidence and validity of their authenticity. Is preparation necessary to face the ritual? Some measures may be required to contribute to the operation of the intervention. If present, they will be communicated to you before execution, according to the expected timing. Why is a second payment required? During the initial meeting, a rough forecast will be drawn up which will contribute to the formulation of the execution estimate. This fee represents the value of the consultancy in its operational phase. It is determined based on the requests and resources necessary for its implementation. The estimate is not binding. The decline of the proposal remains at your discretion. Is Esotericism a cure for what I want to solve? Whatever the nature of your request, as an energetic manipulation, Esotericism acts at this level. The intervention therefore affects the individual exclusively on the level of energy and spirit. The advantages obtained fall on the recipient's energy system and everything to which it is interconnected. All therapeutic practices, definitions and references included and understood by official science are excluded. Please consult the Code of Ethics for further details. You can find specific details in the Disclaimer (see) and in the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) which are accepted during the booking phase. Will I receive assistance after the consultation is completed? Comparison is expected following the performance. You will receive an email within forty-eight (48) hours of the end of the ritual. In addition to providing you with any communications on its progress, you will be able to transmit any possible communications regarding it. What does an esoteric ritual usually consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to control subtle energies. These energies, of which the operator is the mediator, are directed towards the objectives of the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure may vary to better suit the needs of the recipient. Is the ritual I am going to receive invasive? In no way. The esoteric currents that I practice do not involve interaction. Some practices include exclusively external intervention through contact via the tools used. Some materials are potentially allergenic. In the presence of intolerances and/or allergies to one or more of them, it is advisable to inform the operator. If requested or necessary, it is possible to carry out the operation with replacement elements. What specifically is Esotericism? It is the occult counterpart of culture that relates to existence. It is part of the awareness of life and what underlies it. Metaphysics, Alchemy and Astrology are some disciplines with which esotericism is represented. It is included in the baggage that has always been within the reach of the human being, which was then lost by them but safeguarded by few. Among others, this legacy is still preserved by those who exploit this wisdom for the evolution of the spirit. What does a cycle of spiritual treatments consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to do resonate the energy centers in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which they are often subject are removed. The use of aromas present in nature helps spontaneous alignment with this condition. Placed alongside the energy charges of the elements, they stimulate spontaneous alignment with this condition. What does a cycle of traditional treatments consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to do resonate the energy centers in a natural way. This "tuning", of which the operator is the executor, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which they are often subject are removed. Depending on the condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. I don't want to continue. Can I get a refund? You may decide to opt out of your period at any time within twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date of your first session. Once the deadline has expired or if it takes place, the service is considered used and no longer refundable. What does a Reiki and stone augmentation treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does a Reiki massage and stone strengthening treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does a Reiki strengthening treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. Can multiple sessions be booked in the same week? The temporal distance between one meeting and another is not a necessary condition. However, it is good practice to leave a certain gap between them to allow the patient's energy adjustment. An exception is usually made for the first two sessions, which are held on close dates to give decisive action to the intervention carried out. The dates of the next two sessions may differ in the schedule based on the availability of the patient. Can I choose when and what time I show up? Certainly. After the first session, subsequent appointments will be arranged according to personal preferences and possibilities. I have difficulty with the weekly calendar. Can I postpone? As long as it is valid, the cycle can be reorganized without difficulty, as long as it is in line with the operator's availability. Otherwise, the rules according to the terms and conditions of the service apply. Only and exclusively in the presence of serious and proven impediments will possible alternative solutions be proposed. In cosa consiste un trattamento di potenziamento Reiki con massaggio? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The massage sets in motion the energy channels involved in the circulation of Reiki. What does a Reiki and stone enhancement treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the procedure takes into account certain energy zones to better adapt to the needs of the recipient. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What does a distance Reiki treatment usually consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Thanks to the subtle nature of energy, this can happen even if the operator and the patient are not in contact or in the same place. What does a remote localized Reiki treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Thanks to the subtle nature of energy, this can happen even if the operator and the patient are not in contact or in the same place. What does a remote Reiki opening treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to channel - or act as an intermediary - for Universal Energy. This energy, of which the operator is an instrument, is directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Thanks to the subtle nature of energy, this can happen even if the operator and the patient are not in contact or in the same place. What does a Radionics treatment usually consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to control subtle energies. Usually also combined with Radiesthesia practice as a means of observation. These energies, of which the operator is the mediator, are directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. Depending on your condition, the classic procedure may vary to better suit the needs of the recipient. Whether it is carried out during the consultancy phase or in an ordinary session. Where does the remote session I booked take place? The consultation will take place online on the Google Meet platform. You will be able to access it according to the methods shared upon confirmation of the booking. Singing Bowls Tibetan singing bowls are traditional musical instruments native to the Himalayan regions of Asia, such as Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. Tibetan bowls are characterized by a resonant and harmonious sound, produced by percussion or rubbing. They are often used for meditative, therapeutic and spiritual purposes. It is believed that their sound can promote relaxation and energy balance. Ritual A magical ritual is a series of practices or ceremonies intentionally designed to influence or manipulate spiritual or energetic forces to achieve a desired result. These rituals are often performed according to a specific sequence of gestures, words, symbols and acts, believed to have magical power. The goals of magical rituals may include invoking spirits or deities, protection from negative forces, or achieving personal or spiritual goals. The practice of magical rituals can vary greatly depending on the magical or esoteric tradition followed by the individual performing them. Esoteric Operator An esoteric practitioner deals with spiritual and metaphysical practices and knowledge. Often through the use of rituals, symbolism and personal growth techniques. Dowsing Dowsing is the practice of perceiving and interpreting subtle energies or radiation. Instruments such as pendulums or dowsing rods are used. Often used to locate water, minerals, lost objects. It is also extended to more esoteric purposes such as the search for negative energy or energetic disturbances in the human body. Used by many practitioners in various fields, including spiritual, agricultural and research. Reiki Reiki is a form of Japanese energy therapy that aims to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. This occurs through universal energy transfer through the operator's hands. The individual's energy recovery is thus stimulated. Radionics Radionics is a practice aimed at influencing and harmonizing the vital energy or energy field of an individual, an animal or a biological system. It employs electromagnetic instruments or geometric symbols. Radionics practitioners can treat energetic or spiritual disorders using these devices or symbols, even remotely. Holistic Operator The holistic operator is a professional figure who adopts a holistic approach towards people's health and well-being. Holism is a concept that views the individual as an interconnected whole of mind, body and spirit. It seeks to promote health through a balance and harmony between these three aspects. Singing Bowls Treatments The service is not refundable after the date of the session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Warning: the service is not recommended for people with hearing disorders and/or pathologies. In case of intolerances and/or allergies to certain elements, please inform the operator. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Dowsing & Radionics courses pre-sales Service subject to availability check. The package is valid for thirty (30) days, starting from the date of purchase. The service is not refundable after the date of the first session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. The sessions are intended to be provided on a weekly basis, at one or more appointments, on agreed upon dates and times based on the availability of the operator. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Attention: in case of intolerances and/or allergies to certain elements, please inform the operator. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Reiki paths, Crystal therapy The package is valid for thirty (30) days, starting from the date of purchase. The service is not refundable after the date of the first session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. The sessions are intended to be provided on a weekly basis, at one or more appointments, on agreed upon dates and times based on the availability of the operator. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Attention: in case of intolerances and/or allergies to certain elements, please inform the operator. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Subscriptions The package is valid for thirty (30) days, starting from the date of purchase. The service is not refundable after the date of the first session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. The sessions are intended to be provided on a weekly basis, at one or more appointments, on agreed upon dates and times based on the availability of the operator. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Attention: in case of intolerances and/or allergies to certain elements, please inform the operator. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Reiki consultations and treatments The service is not refundable after the date of the session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Reiki Paths The package is valid for thirty (30) days, starting from the date of purchase. The service is not refundable after the date of the first session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. The sessions are intended to be provided on a weekly basis, at one or more appointments, on agreed upon dates and times based on the availability of the operator. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Consulting, dowsing and radionics treatments pre-sales Service subject to availability check. The service is not refundable after the date of the session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Attention: in case of intolerances and/or allergies to certain elements, please inform the operator. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Competitions Magickuiz is the prize game with questions published on a weekly basis, free registration. Each user who is part of the following of the Zeno Satyarthi Instagram profile (@zenosatyarthi) is automatically registered for the competition. Each competition is considered open from the moment the question is published until the respective solution is published, for a total of approximately 24 (twenty-four) hours. Participation in Magickuiz is considered valid starting from the day and time of sending the participation message by the competitors, represented by a solution proposal delivered to the Zeno Satyarthi profile, no later than the deadline of the current competition. Each competitor is allowed to make 1 (one) attempt per competition. The answers provided in free form do not require multiplicity of contents, nor consecutiveness, under penalty of exclusion from the competition (therefore multiple answers are not permitted in the same message, nor in separate messages). The competing competitors will be drawn equally according to the chronological order of participation. For the purpose of determining the winners, the players selected based on these criteria will be taken into consideration, for a total number equal to the amount of prizes available - N. 4 (four). The competition ranking, defined below, remains unchanged indefinitely, as does the nature and scope of the prizes available: Jackpot - Solution: meaning and/or exact nomenclature of the theme or subject represented in the competition - Prize: gift voucher worth €45.00 (Forty-five Euros/00) spendable on the services offered by Zeno Satyarthi at the time of use Ranking (in order of participation) 1st place - Solution: meaning and/or nomenclature of an aspect linked to the theme or subject represented in the competition - Prize: gift voucher worth 10% (ten percent) that can be spent on the services offered by Zeno Satyarthi at the time of use 2nd place - Solution: meaning and/or nomenclature of an aspect linked to the theme or subject represented in the competition - Prize: gift voucher worth €5.00 (Euro Five/00) spendable on the services offered by Zeno Satyarthi at the time of use 3rd place - Solution: meaning and/or nomenclature of an aspect linked to the theme or subject represented in the competition - Prize: gift voucher worth 5% (five percent) that can be spent on the services offered by Zeno Satyarthi at the time of use The prizes up for grabs in the competition have unlimited validity and can be used individually and exclusively by the respective winners. All discount codes (coupons, vouchers, various and any), expiring or perpetual, are intended for use by users of The codes are intended to be nominal and non-shareable, usable for a limited number of times based on the criteria of the individual promotion. Reiki courses, Crystal therapy, Massages The package is valid for thirty (30) days, starting from the date of purchase. The service is not refundable after the date of the first session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. The sessions are intended to be provided on a weekly basis, at one or more appointments, on agreed upon dates and times based on the availability of the operator. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Attention: the service is not recommended for subjects with skin and/or internal trauma, disorders and/or pathologies including phlebopathies, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, necrosis, fevers, neoplasms, dermatitis, dermatosis. In case of intolerances and/or allergies to certain elements, please inform the operator. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Ritual interventions pre-sales Service subject to availability check. Completion times are subject to variability based on request. The price indicated refers to the preliminary consultancy activity. Construction, post-assistance fees and any additional costs, which can be estimated during the consultancy, are excluded. The service is not refundable after the date of the session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Warning: the service does not provide guaranteed results. In case of intolerances and/or allergies to certain elements, please inform the operator. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Singing Bowls Paths The package is valid for thirty (30) days, starting from the date of purchase. The service is not refundable after the date of the first session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. The sessions are intended to be provided on a weekly basis, at one or more appointments, on agreed upon dates and times based on the availability of the operator. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Warning: the service is not recommended for people with hearing disorders and/or pathologies. In case of intolerances and/or allergies to certain elements, please inform the operator. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. Promotions All discount codes (coupons, vouchers, various and any), expiring or perpetual, are intended for use by users of The codes are intended to be nominal and non-shareable, usable for a limited number of times based on the criteria of the individual promotion. The Firmament loyalty program is intended for users of The user is automatically registered upon registration. Upon registration and for each successful session, the user receives points (Stars) according to the program. Upon reaching the expected quota, the user obtains the bonus (Supernova) in the amount of the expected discount percentage, in the form of a promotional electronic receipt (coupon/voucher). This is applicable according to the criteria and methods defined by the program. Prize initiative developed according to regulations (see). The Satellite refer-a-friend incentive is intended for users of The user is automatically registered upon registration. The user receives a discount amount in euros, which can be obtained and used according to the established conditions, in the form of a promotional electronic receipt (coupon/voucher). This is applicable according to the criteria and methods defined by the program. Prize initiative defined according to regulation (see). Events Owners must present their tickets at the entrance. It is possible to print the ticket or present the digital version obtained at the booking confirmation. All details relating to the event can be found on In case of cancellation or for any other information, problems or refund, please contact the organization (see). Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see) and the Code of Ethics (see). Reiki consultations and treatments, Singing Bowls, Dowsing and Radionics, Crystal Therapy The service is not refundable after the date of the session carried out or in the event of a change to the booking and/or cancellation after twenty-four (24) hours prior to the appointment. Service intended for a single beneficiary. In case of strictly essential accompaniment, please communicate their presence before the agreed date. Attention: in case of intolerances and/or allergies to certain elements, please inform the operator. Service provided under the terms and conditions of Disclaimer (see), Privacy (see), Code of Ethics (see) and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (see) approved during the booking. What does an Ankh vitalizing treatment consist of? In an application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to control subtle energies. These energies, of which the operator is the mediator, are directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which one is often subjected are removed. Furthermore, the set of energies that emanated from the recipient's body - or aura - are brought back to their natural state. What is an Ankh vitalizing treatment with Crystal Therapy? An application of a series of techniques and procedures that allow you to control subtle energies. These energies, of which the operator is the mediator, are directed on the patient in different ways depending on the practice performed. The energetic contaminations to which one is often subjected are removed. Furthermore, the set of energies that emanated from the recipient's body - or aura - are brought back to their natural state. The stones and crystals in use are used to direct a particular action as needed. What is the Ankh specifically? It is a symbol of Egyptian origin known by various names, including Key of Life. It was spiritually associated with the afterlife and resurrection, as well as other meanings. Tradition has it that ever since then, until today, it has been used to re-establish the condition of energetic well-being, extending its effect on the different levels of the subtle bodies.

  • Holistic Esoteric Practitioner ∴ Events ∴ Zeno Satyarthi

    HOME > EVENTS > HOLISTIC AND ESOTERIC APPROACH OUT OF THE BOX HOLISTICS AND ESOTERICISM ∴ KNOWLEDGE AND DIRECT EXPERIENCE Not only holistic wellness services or ritualistic ones as Holistic and Esoteric Operator , but also culture and entertainment oriented towards the holistic approach and energetic practices. Various initiatives are hosted at my studio in Quartu Sant'Elena, including: Open days where you can join me and try any service available Reiki Exchanges: Opportunities dedicated to the exercise and diffusion of the discipline. Anyone is welcome; both practitioners in general and those who are curious to know and learn more about it. Training courses: Teaching of holistic techniques with recognized attestation or certification Workshops: Possibility of in-depth study of specific subjects with exclusive guests As well as unique events that you can participate both in person and online. Keep track of the dates and stay updated on all the upcoming events! events CORSI Reiki ∴ Corso 1° Livello ∴ Shoden Corso Reiki Primo Livello ∴ Komyo ReikiDo Shoden Dettagli Loading days... ISCRIVITI ORA No events at the moment

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